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How we can spend a good healthy life


A good healthy life is a need of every human. But we can spend it healthy, happier, and better by following the right steps today or in the nearest future. In this article, I will share some tips to make myself a good healthy person.

A healthy life includes various aspects such as fitness, diet and body hygiene

1. Have enough physical activity 

Physical exercise can boost the immune system, improve metabolism and reduce stress levels

2. Go for frequent walks

Walking regularly can relieve stress on one’s body. A stroll along the park, garden, or the local markets, walking or jogging are some perfect ways to have your body moving and keeping fit at the same time. However, walking and running don’t ensure that you stay active forever! So plan your day wisely and choose activities which give energy and get your brain moving. You could also adopt some online fitness programs like Runkeeper for yoga videos, jogger for short distance training, step for stretching and jump rope workouts.

3. Reduce sodium intake

Reduce Sodium Intake (S)

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommend reducing sodium intake to prevent hypertension and stroke. This would be beneficial for those suffering from high blood pressure and obesity. The recommended daily allowance for potassium has reduced to 1,300 mgs for adults in 2019 from 2,300 mgs earlier.

However, some people do not take their salt intake too seriously. In India, most Indians consume more than 50 gms of salt per day per person. That amount is about 16 teaspoons, or 4-5 tablespoons. Some people eat even less. Even if they don’t consume large portions on a regular basis, it all adds up when combined with the sugar, fats, and carbohydrates in our diets. Try cutting down salt consumption. It’s really worth it!

4. Keep track of your calorie intake

Calorie intake can help us control weight. By tracking calories, you can avoid eating unhealthy food options or drinks that are packed with empty calories. Tracking calories can also help you determine whether you are getting enough protein and nutrients while avoiding consuming foods and beverages that are lacking in either. There are many apps available where you can use your phone’s camera to scan food products to record these estimates and store them for later reference. If you don’t want to buy apps for yourself, try using an app like MyFitnessPal to track your food intake. Many websites and applications like Weight Watcher provide detailed plans and recipes to keep track of what and how much you are eating daily. If you can manage to stick to certain calorie intake goals, losing weight and seeing positive results, chances are that your health will improve too.

5. Get some sun

Getting fresh air and sunlight can promote overall good health by helping oxygen to circulate throughout your body, promoting a healthier heart and lungs, and increasing your immunity. Exposure to Vitamin D also helps protect against colds and flu. Regular exposure to sunshine can nourish your skin and maintain its elasticity and plumpness. Look up free places near your home for opportunities to hike outdoors in nature – trees and fields, parks and lakes, forests, and water bodies like ponds and rivers. Enjoy the benefits of vitamin D!

6. Consume green tea

Green tea is rich in antioxidants, and it can help strengthen bone health and fight osteoporosis. Green tea is loaded with catechins. These components may help strengthen the bones and teeth. Consuming green tea regularly is also associated with other important protective effects on your body.

7. Drink coffee in moderation

While coffee is well tolerated (no side effects) and widely consumed in most cultures, excessive caffeine (more than 800 mg) may increase risks of cardiovascular disease. Coffee contains more caffeine than regular black tea or decaffeinated varieties. The American Heart Association recommends limiting coffee to about 300 mg per day. For people who experience extreme anxiety, moderate doses (150 mg per day) may be helpful. Caffeine causes dehydration when taken in excess. Dehydration can cause fatigue, lightheadedness, headaches, and nausea. Drinking enough fluids is another way to stay hydrated without adding further calories to your diet. Remember, staying hydrated involves drinking plenty of fluid throughout the day. If you feel dehydrated, drink your usual fluid replacement volume. Be sure to replace any lost fluid while still enjoying the delicious taste of your favorite beverage. Find out if you can drink unsweetened tea, so-called “organic coffee,” instead of sugary beverages. It may add flavor and help you to enjoy that cup of green tea more.

8. Seek guidance from professionals

Professional medical practitioners

A good professional would always be aware of their patients’ needs and concerns and be able to offer solutions to address their problems. They can easily see how certain nutrition choices affect your body and identify lifestyle changes that are best suited to your situation. This skill set is also essential when working with children’s physicians. Professional physicians will be able to detect potential nutritional deficiencies early in development and will be able to provide care to prevent serious long-term issues. They are trained to treat specific conditions and can deal with specific complications. Ask family and friends for advice on how to handle situations or communicate effectively.

9. Use herbal medicine

Herbal medicines are usually used when conventional medications have failed. Herbal remedies help restore good health. They promote longevity and healing, reduce pain and inflammation, and promote relaxation. Herbs and spices are part of natural treatments, but herbs can also be found in pharmacies, grocery stores, and drugstores.

10. Know the signs and symptoms of disease

The main goal of treatment is to remove the causes of the disease – it’s not just to cure it. Since there are no real cures, it is vital that you seek help if you notice recurring signs and symptoms. Most common illnesses that we encounter have different types of problems that require treatment.

11. Take medicines only after consulting a doctor

Before taking any medicinal dose, consult a doctor not just to understand your medical history but also what is going on with your body. Make sure to understand the dosages that you should take as well as what kinds of interactions might happen. The doctor will know whom the medication should be given to and should recommend you a suitable patient and dosage for each individual patient. Also, he will explain possible adverse reactions and the risk that comes with using the medication. Asking questions is the first step to finding out exactly what the problem is. Talking to others about the treatment procedure is a great way to learn more – they can advise you more about what to do and how to go about the treatment. Talking to someone else will also help you get a clearer picture of what is going on with you, and you can discover new ideas on the topic. Talk to your physician about alternative therapies or dietary treatment plans. Your physician should know your diagnosis as well as prescribe medication accordingly.

12. Do not skip meals

Eating nutritious food is a key ingredient to good health. Eat the right amount of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, proteins, vitamins and minerals. Skipping meals can lead to low blood sugar, increased appetite, and loss of muscle mass. Skip breakfast because after this meal, your body usually starts burning fat, and then you overeat. Skip lunch too because many nutrients are removed from vegetables. Eating too little of what you need can cause constipation and digestive upset. Too much water will slow digestion and contribute to indigestion and diarrhea.

13. Drink plenty of water

Water is crucial for maintaining both physical and mental health, and drinking adequate amounts of water is necessary to support your immune system. Water keeps you feeling full and promotes proper digestion. Staying properly hydrated takes effort, but staying adequately hydrated by drinking plenty of water every day is easy. Don’t forget to add lemonade or fruit juice for added flavor.

14. Avoid smoking

Smoking has many harmful effects on your body, both physically and mentally. Smoking increases your risk of cancer, coronary artery disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and emphysema. Stop smoking now. Being smoke-free and leading an active adult life can improve your quality of life and enhance financial security.

15. Sleep enough

Sleep is of great importance for the entire body. Getting the sleep you need can strengthen your mind, regulate your mood and hormones, and improve your ability to function. Lack of sufficient sleep can affect your concentration, memory, feelings, and mood. Here are some effective tips to help you get good sleep.

16. Meditate

Meditation, including breathing exercises, has been shown to have tremendous benefits in treating depression, anxiety, and phobias. Meditation can also be a powerful tool for relieving chronic pain. Research shows that meditation can lower levels of cortisol, the hormone that plays a role in stress, sleep disorders, and other health problems. Not sure what kind of meditation to take? Check out our guide on 30+ mindfulness exercises.

17. Practice gratitude

Practice gratefulness. Daily gratitude exercises such as writing a letter to a friend or saying a prayer or a thank you sentence can help you become more receptive to the blessings around you. Studies show gratitude can improve self-esteem and happiness. One study also indicates that gratitude improves psychological well-being of older adults. Gratitude practices can be done anywhere, anytime. Start by doing your own practice, then join other mindful activities like meditation or yoga to develop stronger skills.

18. Work toward achieving your maximum potential

One of the biggest mistakes that we make in our pursuit to reach peak performance is setting ourselves an unattainable standard. Instead of striving hard for success, we should try.

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