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In today's world technology is growing very fast and are getting in touch with different new technologies belated here one of warming technology of computer science is artificial intelligence which is ready to create a new revelation in the world by making intelligent machines.the artificial intelligence is now all around us it is currently working with a variety of sulfur ranging from general to specific such as self driving cars lane just proving your arms make music fan things except buff.

Artificial Intelligence is fascinating and universal and  is all computer science which has a great school in future.AI was a tendency to cause a much into what as a human.Men made as intelligence device thinking follow so come mainly.we can say that a man made thinking follow it does your brand of computer science by which we can create intelligent machine which can behave like a huge month think like the human and able to make decisions.

AI  just vending machine can have human the schools such as learning reasoning solving problems with a we do not need to reprogram and machine.To do some lot of despite that we can create a machine with problem algorithm which can but with on intelligence and that is the awesome as off a on weekends is the science and engineering of making intelligent machines racially intelligent computer program.

A few months basically according to the father of artificial intelligence John Mccarthy what is that they were selling the herethe john mccarthy said that about the artificial intelligence the science and engineering of making intelligent machines actually intelligent computer systems are called artificial intelligence so as but this statement we can say that artificial intelligence is a veil making a computer. A computer controlled robot or a software paying intelligently and the similar manner but intelligent human thing.

AI is accomplished by studying how remembering things and how human learn the site and lot while trying to solve the problem and then using the outcomes of this study as a business or developing and billion software and systems so if you will talk about the importance of the are there reselling them again so before numbing about active reselling them as we should know that what by important.

Human intelligence or we can say we how to song knowledge intensive tasked with the help of artificial intelligence and intelligent kind of general perception and action is also a goal of the artificial intelligence and we can say like building a machine which can perform tasks that require you money and then against like looking at kyoto i'm playing jazz blonde some sort of legal operations driving a car and driver it's so this is how we can say that we have to create these type of intelligent machines that will be replica of the human brain.

Now we will discuss about the contribution to the artificial intelligence so here we will see that what other branches by which we can contribute something to that are degrees of intelligence aren't region and then again it just science and technology based on some discipline at as computer science,biology,psychology,linguistics and engineering so we can say a major cause in the development of computer function associated with the human intelligence such as reasoning learning and problem solving so although the falling eighty of one or multiple areas can contribute to the be an intelligent system.

 Advantages of artificial intelligence 

Artificial intelligence is high accuracy with less adders a machines or systems are prone to laugh at us and high accuracy as expansion decision as but three experiences or information second one is high as a systems can be have very high speed and flaws decision making because of that AI system can beat a gesture ambient in the chess game.

Powerpoint is high reliability a machines are highly reliable and then perform the live action multiple times rid the high accuracy for point is useful for at it as scary as a machines can be helpful in situations such as defusing a bomb exploding the ocean floor where to employ a human can be very risky digital assistant a can be very very useful to provide digital assistants through the users like as edge of technology is currently used by various equal much website showed up for next as part of customers requirements.

It useful as a public utility so in this why and weekend of airport like a i can be very useful what public utilities such as a self driving thought with can make our journey see of what three facial recognition for security purposes natural language processing to communicate good.the human in human languages so there are some advantages we have this amount of the l have been selling them again now we will discuss some disadvantages of the artificial intelligence.Every technology a hat some this and on business and the same goes for the artificial intelligence been so wanted use technology is still high.

Advantages which we need to keep in our mind while creating an AI system so there are some this wanted we are going to discuss here first one in high horse for the hardware and software requirements of ai is very cost me as if we live north of maintenance to meet current why requirements.

Second point is that not think about what even we are making smarter machine with a but still they cannot work out of the box as the robot will on their do that what for which they are today op program next mind is no feelings and emotions and machines can be outstanding performance but than it does not how love feeling so i can not make any kind of emotional engagement with human and muslim ban be harmful what use that if the proper gear.

It is not take them pointed in greece dependency on machines with a good amount of technologies people are of getting more dependent on device and has they are losing their mental capabilities.last one is not our original creativity as human are so community and can imagine some new ideas but still a machines can not be this fall that of human intelligence and cannot be creative.

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