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Why Afghanistan is said the Graveyard of Empires:The secret

 The secret of hiding in the geography of Afghanistan, which makes it 'cemetery ceramic', the Narberto Predice was fine 43 years ago from Soviet forces on December 24, 1979. 

What is the end of Afghanistan that he knows the world of the 'world cemetery'? Why did America, Britain, all the big powers of the world, including the Soviet Union? This is a question that is hidden in the history of Afghanistan and its geographical castle. 

In the 19th century the British Empire, who was the world's most powerful castle, he tried to conquer him with his whole power. But in 1919, Britain had to leave the United Kingdom finally and Afghanistan had to leave independence.

 Then the Soviet Union attacked Afghanistan in 1979. It was intended that in the 1978, the Communist government was set up by the rebellion in 1978. But they used to ten years to understand that they will not win this war. A value between the British Empire and the Soviet Union is shared. When both the empires attacked Afghanistan, they were on their rise in their power. But with the attack slowly both the empires were suffering from the break.

 In 2001, US leadership Afghanistan was attacked and millions of people were killed in a long-term war for several years. 20 years after this attack, President President Biden has decided to call his army back to Afghanistan. It was a controversial decision that criticized the entire world. Due to this decision, the Taliban has captured the Afghan capital Kabul very fast. Biden defense his decision, said that American citizens should not die in such a war that is not ready to fight Afghan self. ' Biden reconciled as a guardian of 'Empire of the' ceramic ceramic 'of Afghanistan, saying: "How many military forces do not take a stable, united and safe Afghanistan is not possible."

  Ausham Afghanistan has proved to be a cemetery for the powerful forces of trying to control Afghanistan in centuries. Initially, these attackers have got some success, but finally they have left the Afghanistan and have run. David Asb, who was a book written by the 'Graveyard of the Tomb of Afghanistan and the Afghanistan of the Afghanistan, and the Director and Foreign Policy analyst told' It is not that Afghan are quite powerful. But there is some mistakes for the attacks of Afghan forces. Why did the big powers defeat? Ask says that if Afghanistan is seen with a non-profit, Afghanistan is a difficult place. 

This is a complicated country where the infrastructure situation is unhealthy, it is very limited development and this region is surrounded by the ground everywhere. However, the probability says that the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom or the United States has not demonstrated the palm pinnacle with Afghanistan. They wanted to go their way and they went, but they never considered complications in Afghanistan. ' It is often said that it is impossible to conquer Afghanistan.

 This is a wrong statement: Iranians, Mongols and Schenda have conquered Afghanistan. But it is certain that this is a bacterial price. And before the last three big empires attacking Kabul have failed badly in their efforts. In the British Empire and three attacks in the 19th century, Afghanistan was an important stage of war between British and Russian empires to control Central Asia. It has been diplomatic and political conflicts continued for the decades of Russia and the UK, in which the UK won the UK. But the UK had to pay its big price. The UK attacked Afghanistan three times between 1839 and 1919 on the Afghanistan and said that the UK failed three times. 

The United Kingdom took Kabul in the first England's first war of 1839. Because the UK believed that if he did not take this step, Russia would capture Kabul. Due to this, the UK faced historical defeat. Some tribes destroyed the world's most powerful country's army with extremely weapons. 

After three years of attack, finally forced Afghanistan to run the army. On January 6, on the 1842, which was released to Jalalabad from 16000 military British camp, only one British citizen returned to the alive. The poor says that 'war weakened British expansion policy in the subcontinent and also damaged the concept that English is incredible.' After four decades Britain tried again. This time he got some success. And between the United Nations, with the 72 to 1880, the Afghan England became the UK's proteic state. But the UK had to abandon his policy to keep the residential ministry in Kabul.

 Instead of the British UK selected a new Afghan rich and call his soldiers back from the country. But in 1919, when the new rich declared himself free from the UK, the third Anglo's Afghan war started. It was the time when the Balochic Revolution reduced the Russian threat and on the other hand, the first war grew greatly in the British military costs. In such a situation, interest in Afghanistan was reduced to Afghanistan. That's why Britain finally declared Afghanistan after four months of war. 

Although Britain was not officially officially in Afghanistan, but this idea is shown that he maintained his influence there for many years.During the 1920s of the Soviet Union, Rich Amanullah Khan tried to reform in the country. They also included the tradition of wearing women's breaks. These efforts of the reformists annoyed some tribes and religious leaders, as a result of civil war started. Due to this civil war, Afghanistan's situation was tense for several decades and in 1979, Soviet Union attacked Afghanistan so that a badly unorganized communist government could be kept in power.

 Many Mujahideen organizations opposed the Soviet Union and tied them against them. In this war, Mujahidin received money and weapons from the United States, Pakistan, China, Iran and Saudi Arabia. Russians took ground and air strikes on these areas and there, on which they believed that the root of the problem is. Due to this, the local population was forced to leave their home or killing. Blast in this attack. About 15 million people were killed and fifty-five people became refugees. 

Until a time the Soviet Union's army was able to control major cities and towns. But in the rural areas, Mujahidin was rotating zodiac.Soviet Union army tried to eliminate extremism in many ways, but gorilla soldiers often survive such attacks. The whole country was destroyed in this war. At the same time, Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachov felt that the Russian economy could not continue to change the war and he decided to call his forces in 1988. But the image of the Soviet Union could never be good. 

Afghanistan became 'Vietnam' war for the Soviet Union. It was a very expensive and embarrassing battle in which the Soviet Union was two to four defeat the local guerrilla fighters despite its all power. It says that the Soviet Union claimed a legitimate government in Afghanistan when the Soviet system was serious and basic conflicts between his government and his army. 'It was one of the biggest mistakes of the Soviet Union.' After that Soviet Union was broken and American campaign and destructive return after the unsuccessful efforts of the UK and the Soviet Union in Afghanistan, the US attacked Afghanistan in Afghanistan after the 9/11 attacks and Afghanistan to end the al-Qaeda. 

Like two aspects of the United States, the United States had successfully conquer Kabul to conquer Kabul and to help the Taliban. The Afghan government came into existence three years but the Taliban attack continued. Former US President Barack Obama pushed the Taliban behind the number of soldiers in 2009. But it could not be established for a long time. After the beginning of the war in 2001, the most bloody 2014 was seen in 2014. 

The NATO forces completed their mission and the responsibility handed over to the Afghan army. That's why the Taliban captured more areas. The next year, the suicide bombings were recorded. They include the blast near Kabul's parliament and the airport. According to Asy, many things were misleading in the US attack. He says: "Despite military and diplomatic efforts, there was a problem with many issues that America and the World community could not stop Pakistan by proximatory, which proved to be successful. 'And it has proved more successful than other weapons.

Although the Soviet Union's war was more bloody, but the US attack proved more expensive. In the Afghanistan warfare of the Soviet Union, the billion dollars were announced in the US $ 200 billion dollars between the United States and 2012. But the Saula Kabul has also been given to South Vietnam events. Member Asfirm, who was a tiger of Biden, the Republican Party's Congress. 'A destructive failure on international scene will never be fed.' 

After the ancestor of the American soldiers, the Taliban occupation has a human human crisis in Afghanistan, due to which millions of people have been displaced. Asymi says that in the coming days it will be necessary to see whether the Taliban government will be approved by the international community. I have a lot of doubts on this matter. ' And if the Taliban to be impossible for the global community, it will be interesting to see if any other power takes the risk of attacking the world's cruelty to the Afghan culprits?

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